Con il contributo della Regione Lazio
Established on 11 February 2022 (repertoire no. 5069/4005 registered in Rieti on 15 February 2022 at no. 388/1T). Registered in the Single National Register of the Third Sector (RUNTS) in the "Other third sector bodies" section.
Endowed with recognized legal personality
with Determination of the Lazio Region
n. GO2925 dated 3/14/2022.
Proposal n. 10057 of 03/09/2022.



An association called “Destination Management Organization Green Weekend – Third Sector Entity,” in short “DMO Green Weekend ETS,” is hereby established among the appearing parties. Those who will be admitted to membership, by resolution of the administrative body, within thirty days from today shall also assume the status of Founding Associates […]

The Association has unlimited duration and is based in the Municipality of VEJANO (VT), at Via Piazza XX Settembre n. 12.

The Association pursues, on a non-profit basis, civic, solidaristic and socially useful purposes through the exercise, exclusively or principally, of the following activities of general interest:

(k) interventions for the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage and landscape, pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 42 of January 22, 2004, as amended;
f) organization and management of tourist activities of social and cultural interest, starting, by way of example, with the implementation of the “Green Weekend Project” referred to in LAZIOcrea Determination No. 03 of August 3, 2021, as corrected on September 10, 2021;
(i) organization and management of cultural, artistic or recreational activities of social interest, including activities, including publishing, promotion and dissemination of the culture and practice of volunteerism and activities of general interest referred to in this article;
d) education, education and vocational training, pursuant to Law No. 53 of March 28, 2003, as amended, as well as cultural activities of social interest with an educational purpose;
e) interventions and services aimed at the preservation and improvement of the conditions of the environment and the prudent and rational use of natural resources, with the exclusion of the activity, habitually exercised, of the collection and recycling of urban, special and hazardous waste, as well as the protection of animals and prevention of straying, pursuant to Law No. 281 of August 14, 1991.

The Association pursues the following purposes:

(a) to enhance and promote a vast area extending within the territory of the Lazio Region, which includes Tuscia and Maremma Laziale, Sabina and Monti Reatini, through the systematic and integral management of the identified territory, with particular regard to the health, food and wine, rural tourism, outdoor tourism and wedding clusters;
b) solicit collaboration among operators in the tourism supply chain by providing them with support and advice, including through appropriate professional training courses for the start-up and retraining of operators in the sector;
(c) operate unitedly as a territory through a single entity with continuity and effectiveness on tourism;
d) facilitate relations with the plurality of actors, public and private, interested in tourism promotion of territories and entrepreneurial activity in the sector;
(e) monitor the destination’s tourism performance and promotional actions;
(f) enhance the heritage of cultural assets and human capital of the territory;
(g) promote, consistent with regional identity indications, “territorial brands”;
(h) initiate processes capable of improving the level of hospitality and image of the territory;
(i) initiate actions capable of consolidating and creating new employment in the tourism sector;
l) organize tourist activities of cultural and general interest, with the design and experimentation of an integrated proposal of fruition – in the context of a culture of sustainability, defense of the territory and its resources and of resilience to global homologation;
m) qualify the destination’s tourism services and products, by promoting studies, market research and training;
n) to systematise some specificities (food and wine, green tourism and itineraries, sports, health and wellness) for the creation of proposals also related to the celebration of ceremonies and private events, which can also be proposed abroad, increasing the average length of stay;
o) to carry out all activities useful for the pursuit of its purpose, including the signing of conventions or participation in bodies with purposes similar or related to its own, both directly and indirectly, with the exclusion of what is not allowed by the provisions law.

To achieve its scopes, the Association may promote and carry out any activity deemed useful, and in particular:

• carry out analysis of the territory and surveys;
• identify operators potentially useful for the realization of the project;
• carry out and use promotional-marketing tools in all media;
• develop digital platforms and tools;
• create photos and videos, a WeChat channel, or other similar channel if necessary for internationalization even in the Chinese market;
• design and implement advertising/social campaigns;
• draw up quality specifications and hosting guidelines;
• organize seminars and training courses and other initiatives aimed at operators;
• organize educational-tours and workshops, aimed at sector operators, journalists, bloggers, travel agents, tourism organizations and end users;
• conduct evaluations of the project’s effectiveness and spillover to the territory;
• participate in trade fairs;
• carry out photographic services, videos and editorial productions;
• carry out any other activity not specifically mentioned in the list that is consistent with the institutional purposes and suitable for pursuing them;
• carry out, including at banks and financial institutions, all operations preordained to the pursuit of social activities.

The association may carry out activities other than those indicated above, provided that they are secondary and instrumental to the activities of general interest, according to criteria and limits defined by decree of the Minister of Labor and Social Policies, in agreement with the Minister of Economy and Finance, to be adopted pursuant to Article 17, paragraph 3, of Law August 23, 1988, no. 400, after consultation with the Cabina di regia referred to in Article 97, taking into account the total resources, including voluntary and unpaid ones, employed in such activities in relation to the total resources, including voluntary and unpaid ones, employed in general interest activities.

Within the above limits, the identification of such additional secondary and instrumental activities is referred to the Assembly of Members.

The Association may, likewise, set up public fundraisers in order to finance its general interest activities, including by soliciting bequests, donations, and contributions of a noncontributory nature from third parties.

This activity may be exercised in an organized and continuous form, including through solicitation to the public or through the sale or disbursement of goods or services of modest value, employing its own resources and those of third parties, including volunteers and employees, in compliance with the principles of truth, transparency and fairness in relations with supporters and the public, in accordance with guidelines adopted by decree of the Minister of Labor and Social Policies, after consultation with the Cabina di regia referred to in Article 97 and the National Council of the Third Sector.

To compose the first Board of Directors, which will remain in office until the first Assembly of the Associates – in compliance with the prohibition of direction and coordination control set forth in Article 4, paragraph 2, of the CTS – are unanimously elected Messrs:

– Armando Soldaini: President;
– Rosi Placido: vice president
– Pulcini Fabio: Secretary;
– Perrotti Maurizio: Treasurer;


The registration fee for the first membership year is set at Euro 1,000.00 (one thousand point zero zero) for each member, unless otherwise determined/derogated by the Board of Directors.