The DMO Green Weekend – ETS involves institutions, operators and citizens to accelerate rediscovery and re-evaluation of the Genius loci as a complex of elements that makes the experience and stay in this territory unrepeatable and unique.
Creating a new, green and smart destination, with the experimentation of an integrated transversal product which connects the areas to each other, and which is particularly suitable for weddings and private events;
Enhancing the elements of identity and lifestyle of the territories to build a memorable tourist experience;
Applying international standards in services and marketing and commercial and hospitality ethics, protecting and respecting the customer and practicing a fair pricing policy;
Building a global reputation based on the quality level of the territory and its production and on the link with the communities that live there to attract tourists, talent, and investments;
Promoting tourism for sustainable development, contributing to the protection of the environment and natural resources (and satisying the needs and aspirations of present and future generations in an equitable way).